1. Day Root Chara
After our morning ritual at sunrise and a fine breakfast we drive to the Offensee on 655m. Just bevore we fill our water bottles in a wild mountain greek. From the Offensee we take the path to the Rinnerhütte. This path leads up, first through the wood passing a nice spring up to a less vegetated slope with scree and again throu thin vegetated less steep terrain to the hut at 1473m. After a break we will walk about 20 min on a beautiful path which is rather flat to the mountain lake Wildensee in 1535m which usually invites to a first bath.
Afterwards the path leads a bit up and down through the wood to our first night camp in the Albert Appel Haus at 1638m
2. Day Sacral Chakra
After our morning exercise in a wonderful natural arena and a breakfast we walk along a slope uphill towards the mountain top Redender Stein 1902m. Who likes can leave the rucksack and walk up to this top in about 15-20 min. It is beautiful and worth it. You come down the same path and pick up your rucksack on the path towards the mountain top Wildgößl 2662m, another beautiful and easy to access top. Here you need to carry your rucksack. Either you walk on the bottom around the Wildgößl or over it where the pathes meet at a spring before it goes down to the Elmgrupe wher the path leads comfortably for about 1/2 an hour to the mountain lake Elmsee where also our 2nd hut the Pühringerhütte is our night camp. The Elmsee is also our space for a ritual bath where in some hours the full moon joins in for our exercise for the 2nd chakra.
3. Day Solarplexus Chakra
After our morning exercise and the breakfast we walk back the Elmgrube and along the mountain lakes called Lahngangseen 1493m. There we find a spring and a place which is inviting for a morning bath. From here the path leads ongoing down, first through medows with
some trees and later through the wood. Depending on the season we come to places where migh be blueberries and raspberries. Here we make of course a break.
The last part of the path through the wood, we come to Gößl am Grundlsee 720m. After a short transfer with the Narzissenjet (The name comes from narcissus which is the flower which flowers here in spring so massively so they organize the Narzissenfest with a lot of boats and flowers on the lake) we come to our restingplace in the 3rd chakra, the Jurte Altaussee, where we are awaited with a gorgeous dinner.
4. Day Heart Chakra
After our morning ritual and an amazing heart breafast we travel with the Narzissenjet back to Grundlsee. Through the wood our journey leads us upwards to the slope with stones and light vegetation until we cross over to a flat path leading through medows with flowers along alpine pastures until the Albert Appel Haus. The only hut here in the mountains we have a 2nd camp.
5. Day Throat-Chakra
After our morning exercise in our beautiful natural arena and the breakfast walk through a wood down to the mountain pasture Austwiesnalm 1415m. Our path leads across this juicy green high plateau, which is covered over summer with a lot of cows. and a bit upwars to the Karl-Stöger Steig. This path leads through rocky terrain and some passages to climb a very little, which are easy to manage with a good standard fitness. Passed this we come to the mountain lake Augstsee and the Loserhütte where we will make a fine break after a possible swim in the lake. From here the path leads light downhill and uphill around the mountain Loser until we walk down through the wood to the Blaa Alm 894. Here we spend our rest in a luxury night camp.
6. Day Forehead-Chakra
After our morning exercise and a luxury breakfast buffet we walk upwards on the Naglsteig through the wood. Here we will find 2 secured passages with about 20m each. These are not difficult but still to be walked with care and holding on to the supporting rope as it goes far down in case of a fall. So respect is here in a good place though it is easy as often in life. After this short steep path uphill we come through the ferrywood and across the medows uphill and then downhill to the Ischler Hütte 1365 and a nice break. After that we walk light uphill to the foot and slightly up and down around of the mountain Schönberg (beautiful mountain). From here we go left down on a short step passage to the Ebenseer Hochkogelhaus 1558m, where we have our night camp.
7. Day Crown-Chakra
After our morning ritual and the breakfast we leave back up the path to the Schönberg and across the fire valley passing the ice cave along a rocky path further up and downhillto our mountain top of the day the Rinnerkogel 2012m. This mountain top is along the path and you can leave the rucksack here and enjoy the walk up in 20 min light like a feather. From this top you have a gorgeous round view with an equipment which allows you to define all tops around to the horizon. This allows you to almost see the whole route we walked along this chakra path. Crown chakra with overview.
From here we walk down to the Rinnerhütte 1473m where we will spend our last night in the mountains.
8. Day Star-Chakra
After our morning exercise and a breakfsat the good bye from the mountain comes up and we walk downhill. When we arrived at the bottom we will make a short stop before we walk along the Lake Offensee where we can have a cleaning bath. A little distance away we reach our cars and travel back to the Base Camp where we will be welcomed.
9. Day Samadhi
Samadhi is the name of the state, when all chakras are in harmony and the energy can flow through your body free of blockades. After experiencing this journey with all it´s moments we come to the moment where we have to share and celebrate the common experience. This feast starts after the talking circle of the 8th chakra and ends with the lunch on the last day. Part of this closing is to reflect the experience and to close any open topics so you are content and concentrated to travek well back home.