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Conscious Breathing
I breathe - it is breathing me

This comparismet manages for me the view on the whole magic of duality in which we find ourself and which is mirroring back into the breath. The unconscious happens without any action from our side and we can bring step by step more into our conscious life and grow. It is neither right nor wrong to be conscious or unconscious and still we feel when the moment comes to make the next step. Consciously.

Through the connection of the simple presence of the breath I could feel the awakening of a conection into all areas of life bringing a lot of new possibilities. Naturally it brought up the topics relations, nutrition, fitness on abody, spirit and soul level, nature and environment, energy and resources, own interrests and talents and much more to be closer looked at. The great thing about the breath was always that he provided me with a lot of ideas and the feeling of certainty for the next steps to make which I honestly could expect.

                                                                                                                                                                Wolfgang Steiner

Breathwork offers
Conscious Breathing in the group
The Worldwide Breathing Circle brings weekly overall relaxation for $100,-/month (in English)
each Saturday 5 pm CET / 11 am EST / 8 am PST

1 on 1  

The Breathing Session 90 min  
Each Breathing Session is a treatment where you explore your breath and experience your
"Body-Spirit and Soul" connection. Deep clarity about my next steps occur.

1 Breathing Session "Meeting with my Breath" €200,-  

The Breath Pack „I take a deep breath" 
In a series of weekly Breathing Sessions the body goes to recall the relaxed state he once was in.
Releasing happens and a new start is possible, This experience is also called "Rebirthing".

3 Breathing Sessions €600,-

The Breath Pack "Pure Relaxation and Focus"
Rest and relaxation are the essence for my active immune system and my self-healing powers.
In this state 
I can focus on what is important to me and grow. I realize what is important and my priorities.

10 Breathing Sessions €2000,- 

Live Breathing and individual offers
In agreement for individuals as well for companies and congresses.
I also offer long term goals in breathing and succes habits

Book your next meeting here to breathe through

Transfer the amount
by Bank Transfer or by Wise.com to

Wolfgang Steiner
IBAN AT721200019620087900 BIC BKAUATWW
Paypal to E-Mail: info@atemreisen.eu


For me it is every time fascinating, how the space for personal needs gets opened already after a short time of meeting in groups, no matter where and which size of group. Gently led through the experience and back to the daily reality. Thank you for all these experiences which I was allowed to go through with you and that since many, many years.

Breathwork and ATMAN Breathing Education

I met Wolfgang Steiner as a seminar trainer while I was in the breathing education. Thr buiding of trust happened, because of his winning attitude connected to know how, experience and presence, very fast.
I  was impressed by his appreciative and caring approach to people. The abilities to expand our horizon to change the perspective on old and actual topics, which come up and bother and break us down again and again are very pronounced within Wolfgang. I hope for a soon meeting again.


The Meditative Chakra Mountain Trekking

Fascinating!!! I learned in this week so much about myself, I have got to know myself new. Questions which I was aware got answered by themself and even questions I were not aware anymore, because I forgot about them, got answered and suddenly so many things got clear. I can recommend this trekking to everyone who is not afraid and wants to alow that.

In the summer 2006 I decided to go with Wolfgang for the Chaka Journey. 
At that time I got in a state where I was far away from myself, I felt isolated from myself and from nature. A longing made me searching. I wanted to find myself and to get in true contact. What I found and obviously wanted to find was the offer about a Chakra Trekking in the "Totes Gebirge". A lot and other offers did not attract my true interest. Either with the impression of being to esoteric or out of touch with the real world, or to therapeutic, or or.  
After I met Wolfgang I felt acknowledged: here I find down to earthness and a teacher who can facilitate tools on my path to myself. Here is somebody with experience and know how whom I can intrust myself. Here I will be guided on the same level and I can focus on my stuck and narrowing patterns and as I could notice after the trekking - I even could resolve a lot of them. 
Besides the entchanting path through the nature of the "Totes Gebirge", which seemed healing by itself, the concious activation of the chakras, which I could feel inside and outside, activated within myself a spontanous feeling of being connected:" All is one." Held from the deep humanly connection through Wolfgang throughout the whole journey through wind and wheather, thick and thin, I found another key insight:"everthing is good". Since then I face so called challanges differently:more open hearted, more vulnerable and substancially stronger. For that I want to thank you Wolfgang very much, you who facilitated that to me!

                                                                                                                                                                                    Claudia M.
10 days which I will never forget. Observing amazed about what my body can do, while I think I can not go forward but I must flee of the thunderstorm. So close to the woods and the rocks, at any wheather condition - exposed and protected. Carried by the people in the group and by the celebrated rituals. Beautiful, unexpected experiences, like a present of nature to us. I wanted to repeat this trekking every year and did not manage until today.
.....close to the sky.......with both feet on the ground.......endless views.......gentle guidance from Wolfgang.....it left a very long beautifull deep impression about the diverse experience 
                                                                                                                                                                                    Grete, ChakrenwanderIn 2015 und 2017

Talking Circles

I've met Wolfgang Steiner in Zagreb some five or six years ago when friends called me to participate in a men's group talking circle that Wolfgang was initiating, leading and facilitating. Later we also organized together few mixed circles. Although it was just a beginning of my precious circle experiences, some of them are among the most influential experiences in my life. 
Dynamic Morning Meditation from Osho

The Dynamic morning Meditation with you was a wonerfull present, which I sadly appreciated when you finished. I think 3 times a week people had from 7-8 in the "Raum" in the 2nd district in Vienna the opportunity to practice the Dynamic Meditation with you.
When I managed to get up to be there at 7, then the day had a much better dynamic. The energy which got released by this commonly meditation was like a boost of motivation and activated happiness and spirit within me. Days with a start with the Dynamic Meditation were clearly more alaive and fullfilled.
A sa leader I could trust you. With your energy you created a space, were I could devote myself to the situation and the feelings easely. You were authentic so it was also easy for newcomers to do it.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Claudia W.

About Me
           Wolfgang Steiner
Why I am doing what I am doing?

I breath freely and I am full of energy coming from peace within myself 

but that was not always like that! 

When I was not even 3 month old I almost died 3 times and this hesitation continued until i became 33 years old. Frequent sickness and instability were my experiences until I learned about Conscious Breathing through Breathwork and applied it consistently.

From that moment on everything changed to the better. I hardly got sick and I developed a sense for what I want in my life.
I am happy to support you on that journey to unfold your potential and to reorder your life new in alignment with who you are.

CONTACT & links
You want to know more? Please send us a message!
Wolfgang Steiner

31242 Kremna


Tel : +43 660 7562566 Austria
        +381 64 4258184 Serbia

Skype: atemreisen

Responsible for the content, media owner and and Copyright: 
Name: Ing. Wolfgang Steiner 
Email: info@atemreisen.eu
Adress: Kremna BB, 31242 Kremna Serbien 
Tel : +43 660 7562566 Austria
        +381 64 4258184 Serbia

Profession: Integrative Breathing Coach
Legal Disclaimer 

The whole content of the website of atemreisen.eu was carefully checked and serves only for general information. We declair particularly, that we can not take any warranty for the correct, complete, understandable and actuality of the information on this website. We will not take over any warranty claims for this site nor for the attatched sites of external links.

All texts, graphics and pictures on this websites are copyright reserved. Each use of any content, specially of texts and pictures outside of this website, as well the porting or transfere to other medias needs the written approval from Wolfgang Steiner without any exceptions.

©2019 - designed by wolfgang steiner with opENELEMENT. Template SENSODE
photos from Wolfgang Steiner and with friendly approval from Klemens Robe
Flagy from Pixabay.com